Getting Back to Nature
There's something so magnetic and so spiritual about spending time in nature. It was something that I really discovered when I was in North America. Between hiking Yosemite, helicoptering over the Grand Canyon or even something more simple, like wandering around Stanley Park in Vancouver.
Seeing that I'm home now, I decided that I needed to have a look around and try and find somewhere like that in and around Brisbane that I could go, meditate, and just spend some time in nature.
Last week, I found exactly that in Redcliffe Botanical Gardens.
With it's herb garden, it's rainforest area, it's Chorizema spring pool and countless beautiful, open areas to sit, it is truly a natural haven in the middle of a typical, suburban beachside town.
I spent around an hour last Sunday wandering around, feeling the grass and dirt under my bare feet and just turning my brain off for a little bit to embrace nature.
AND I even saw bats for the first time in the wild!! (you can see them slightly in this photo, look up high in the trees above the pool for those little black objects hanging upside down)
Another place that really embodies that feeling of nature, the feeling of being at one with the Earth is the beach. More specifically, swimming in the ocean.
I mentioned mindfulness meditation in my last post and being in nature in this way is really one thing that aids with my mindfulness practices. Swimming in the ocean especially as it really gets me thinking about just how small we all are in comparison to this world.
How, regardless of what I might be upset about or what any of us are struggling with, that issue is just so tiny in comparison to the universe, that everything is going to be okay and hey, maybe some things aren't really as bad as we first perceive them.
Tay's Travel Tip of the Day:
For people wanting to travel to Europe or America in the middle of their summer, today is the day to start planning your trip! It's the most popular time of the year, meaning that the later you leave booking your flights, the more expensive it will be.
Get in touch with me at STA Travel Indooroopilly - // 07 3720 0951 to put your flights on layby today!
Seeing that I'm home now, I decided that I needed to have a look around and try and find somewhere like that in and around Brisbane that I could go, meditate, and just spend some time in nature.
Last week, I found exactly that in Redcliffe Botanical Gardens.

I spent around an hour last Sunday wandering around, feeling the grass and dirt under my bare feet and just turning my brain off for a little bit to embrace nature.
AND I even saw bats for the first time in the wild!! (you can see them slightly in this photo, look up high in the trees above the pool for those little black objects hanging upside down)
Another place that really embodies that feeling of nature, the feeling of being at one with the Earth is the beach. More specifically, swimming in the ocean.
I mentioned mindfulness meditation in my last post and being in nature in this way is really one thing that aids with my mindfulness practices. Swimming in the ocean especially as it really gets me thinking about just how small we all are in comparison to this world.
How, regardless of what I might be upset about or what any of us are struggling with, that issue is just so tiny in comparison to the universe, that everything is going to be okay and hey, maybe some things aren't really as bad as we first perceive them.
Tay's Travel Tip of the Day:
For people wanting to travel to Europe or America in the middle of their summer, today is the day to start planning your trip! It's the most popular time of the year, meaning that the later you leave booking your flights, the more expensive it will be.
Get in touch with me at STA Travel Indooroopilly - // 07 3720 0951 to put your flights on layby today!