My New Adventure
For my first post back after my 2 year hiatus, I thought I would delve right in and talk about a major thing that I'm doing in my little life right now.
Over the last 3 months, I decided that I needed a change. My life was great, don't get me wrong, but the only way that I know how to describe it was that my life had gone stale.
But I was unsatisfied.
All of my days consisted of the same basic routine. I would get up, go to work, maybe go out for a drink afterwards (considering two of my best friends worked with me, this was a usual occurrence), go home, go to bed and get ready to do it all again the next day.
Day in. Day out.
There was nothing wrong with my life at all, but there was nothing particularly right about it either. I decided that I needed a change.
In the 3 months that followed, I resigned from my job, I broke the lease on my apartment, I moved my life out of my nice beach place back to my mum's place in the outer suburbs of Melbourne, I packed up all of life, or as much of it as could fit, in a 65L backpack and flew to Los Angeles to start a new adventure.
My idea? To travel around the USA for about 2 months and then head to Canada to work. My visa? Valid for 2 years. My plans? See what life throws at you and ride it.
I am currently in week 4 of my trip and already in Canada. I severely underestimated how much money I would spend in America and that leg of my trip had to be cut a bit short for now, but that's okay. Like I said, see what life throws at you.
I have gotten to a point now where my fear of what I'm doing is only sitting at about 80%, the other 20% being a mix of excitement and a buzz from the maple syrup flavoured hot chocolate that I just finished. And yes, you read that correctly, a maple syrup flavoured hot chocolate. Find something more Canadian than that and I will personally send you $20.
But I think that's half the fun, the fear I mean. One of the best quotes that I've ever read was one I read about 2 weeks before I came here actually and it hasn't left my brain since.
Everything worth doing starts with being scared. - Art Garfunkel
And that's just it, fear means that you're taking a risk. And hey, what is life without at least a little risk?
-Sophie xx
Cherries & Perfume
Aww thank you so much gorgeous, it's great to hear from you again!
Oh I'm terrified but also just wake up every day so excited about everything!